The Meaning of school uniforms
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The Meaning of school uniforms

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The Meaning of school uniforms

A school uniform makes it much simpler for the school's governing bodies to identify their students.
· A school uniform saves the school administrators from having to 'police' what the students wear and their daily battles regarding what's appropriate to wear.
· A school uniform spares students from spending too much time thinking about what to wear or worrying about not having the latest fashions. School uniforms can spare unnecessary social embarrassment for some children that feel inadequate without the latest fashion.
· Wearing school uniforms cultivates equality; it can prevent social snobbery through certain dress styles that are associated with particular wealth or status. With school uniforms you can break down societal and culture walls, making it easier for the children to interact with one another.
· School uniforms turn the focus on a person's character rather than appearance. Too many people today make judgments about people based on appearance. With school uniforms, judgment will be lessened because everyone will look the same in the uniforms, allowing students to choose friends based on character and personality and not just appearance.
· School uniforms can also cultivate a spirit of teamwork where the students can feel a part of something bigger then themselves, allowing them to see the value of a collective team effort, rather than just the individual.

· School uniforms can help students feel like they are a part of a school community and prevent unnecessary distractions and issues stemming from wearing the wrong clothes for school. Providing school uniforms puts the interest of the student first, as well as nullifying potential social anxiety over dress and appearance.

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